
As a conservative measure, when LikeCoin chain was first launched in Nov 15 2019, LikeCoin Foundation has limited the number of validators to 7, and has increased once from 7 to 10 with proposal #1.

Now that LikeCoin chain has been up and running smoothly for over 7 months, with:

  • 3,343,905 blocks produced and counting
  • 12,149 wallets with LikeCoin and counting
  • 335,393 transactions and counting
  • 271,110,000 delegated LikeCoin (81.07% of migrated token)

we believe it is the right timing to increase the number of active validators from 10 to 25.


To increase the number of active validators from 10 to 25.

Expected results

If the proposal is passed:

  1. LikeCoin chain will be more decentralized, more open.
  2. Likers shall have more choices in picking their validators.


drafted by @daaab on 2020.06.16 in Taipei.